Tuesday, 15 April 2014

'You Could've Lent Her Hers!'

I really enjoy the way the first Doctor acts like a lovely old grandfather. It always charmed me when I first watched him, and as I got older, I started noticing things about him that I hadn't before, particularly the fact that he's constantly stumbling over his words and things. Some of it is acting, but I really do believe that a lot of it isn't. One episode that I remember very well for it is The Keys of Marinus. He said so many lovely little things in that one! When they first start walking around the planet, someone asks if the sea could be frozen, and he says something like, 'No, not in these temperatures... Besisdes, it's far to warm.' I think 'far too warm' was mean to be Ian's line.:) Later, he's talking about proving Ian's innocence when he's framed for murder, and he says, 'I can't improve at this moment - I can't prove at this moment that Chesterton is innocent.' I really love that too. But the one that always makes me really laugh is when he's talking to Ian and Barbara, after Susan's gone back to the TARDIS to get more shoes after she lost hers, and Ian's barefoot because he gave her his boot because there was glass on the ground, and the Doctor says, 'If you'd been wearing your boots, you could've lent her hers!' What just makes the scene is that Ian and Barbara take his scolding very solemnly, but then suddenly realize what he's said, and smile at each other!
The thing is, my dad did the same thing recently! My brother had a cold, and said he'd got it from my dad, and I can't remember why, but there was something funny about it. I hadn't heard my brother say it, and my dad was laughing, so I asked him what was funny. Still laughing, he said something like, 'Him accusing me of giving him his cold!'

Saturday, 5 April 2014

'If I'm right, and inevitably I am...'

One thing that makes me very sure about who my dad is, is how he always thinks he's right, and clever than everyone else. I've only ever known the Doctor to do it, and my dad's done it for as long as I can remember! A while back, after making a suggestion to my brother (which my brother didn't like), he said something like, 'Every time I say that, it shows how clever I am, and if you listen to me, you might learn to be just as clever.' And he meant it perfectly seriously! It really reminds me of The Ark in Space, when the Doctor says, 'You're improving, Harry! Your mind is beginning to work... Entirely due to my influence, of course. You mustn't take any credit.' And then another time when we disagreed on something, he said, 'I think it does, and that's the end of the matter.' and I couldn't count the times he's said things like, 'When have I ever guessed wrong about anything?' like he did in The Masque of Mandragora, which tends to leave me with Sarah's line, 'Lots of times.' It can be extremely hard to live with sometimes, but you get used to it after a while, and it gets to be funny a lot of the time.:)

By the way, I'm very sorry for not posting in so long. The time just went by so quickly, and I've been very busy and preoccupied with the show I'm doing with my drama group next week. I've got a lead role now, because I was the understudy for one, and it's taking a lot of work.:) I hope you understand.:)

Saturday, 15 March 2014

A bit of a failed Doctor Who treasure hunt:P

Earlier this week, my family and I went to a town where a lot of Invasion of the Dinosaurs was filmed, and I really wanted to look around and see them all, and take pictures.:) I got photos from the show and place-names from the locations site I found printed out (although I only did 6 out of 8 places, because my mom thought we wouldn't have time for them all), and when we finally got to drive around the locations, it didn't work out. The first one we went to was an old building that's been boarded up for years.

We looked all around it, and then realized it couldn't possibly have been the building in the show, no matter how much it had changed through the years.

The next location, we skipped, because it was only used to film a jeep driving by, and the actors weren't in the shot.:P

 We spent ages trying to find the third one, and we finally found it pretty much where the locations site had said, in a carpark. But on the website someone had said that it was knocked down, whereas it seems more to have just been built around, so that you can't get into it easily.:P What was confusing is that it actually seemed to be two different locations that just look sort of similar. I have no idea where the other one was, but these are the pictures of it:

That building way in the background is meant to be the same one that's far in the back of the second black and white one, but it actually isn't because it's got chimneys and taller windows with rounded tops here, but not in the other one. It's quite similar, but it's definitely different when you look closely, especially when you've driven around the other building.

This was the fourth location. We went all along the road it was supposed to be, and it really was so different it couldn't have been the right road. (At first I wondered if the old houses had been knocked down and had new ones built where they were, but most of the houses on the street, are much old than the '70s.

 This was meant to be at a certain park, but we couldn't find a tree that looks anything like the big one on the left (or any stumps), or anything similar to the wall or hedge or bank in the background. It really doesn't look like the same park at all.:P

Finally, this was the last one we looked at (sorry for all the pictures:P). It's meant to be the road going past the park, and I think it is. I'm not very sure though. It looks about right.:) On the locations site someone said that they didn't use a real bus stop, and that it was a signpost. I never noticed until I went down the street, but that big pole they're leaning on can't be a little signpost!;) I think it was a lamppost. I did find the lower half of a pole that looked like it buried in the first few feet of the park's bushes. It may not be the right place, because the pavement would have to have been changed a lot for that to make sense.:P In the first picture, though, the Doctor and Sarah are walking along a road with a suddenly curve behind them (at the bottom right corner of the photo), and I think that's the entrance to the park.:)
So, although we found a lot of places that Doctor Who wasn't filmed, we didn't get to take any photos, because the two places that were the right locations weren't accessible.:P We had a fun trip anyway, I guess, and the Doctor made it more exciting!:) (Especially with moments like when he pressed the horn trying to stretch!;))

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Don't Show Your New Outfit to the Doctor

Recently, I found a lovely blue-and-white plaid, sleeveless ( I don't know if that can mean 'strapless', but it's got no sleeves from the shoulder down, but still a lot of material over the shoulders;)) romper on Ebay, with short legs that have an inseam of about 5 inches. It was at a nice price, so I bought it, and when it came, I found that it fit me perfectly, just a well as (or even better than) if it had bee made for me! I was very excited, and ran into the room where the Doctor was working on a computer, saying, 'Hey, Doctor, look!' He gave a very faint 'Hmm?' but hardly moved.
'Look what I bought!' I said, holding up my arms to let him see the romper properly. Finally, he turned around.
'It's too small,' he said plainly, and turned around again.
'No, it's not too small! It fits perfectly!' I said, a little annoyed. The Doctor turned back around.
'Oh,' he said flatly. 'Well then you're too bare for me.' ('Too bare for me' is a joke with us, because when my brother was very young, he saw my dad with no shirt on and said that, so the Doctor meant, 'It's skimpy.') I just said 'Humph!', half amused and half annoyed, and walked out of the room. The romper buttons all the way up the front, and has no holes or anything in it; it's not a halter, and a 5-inch inseam is perfectly reasonable. I don't know why he thought it was skimpy. The Doctor is just so rude sometimes! It really reminded me of the second scene in Pyramids of Mars, though, when Sarah comes in wearing that pretty dress, saying, 'Hey, Doctor! Doctor, look! Look what I found!' and the Doctor, with very little emotion, says, 'Hello, Vicki.' then Sarah asks, 'What?' and the Doctor realizes it's her, and says, 'Oh. Where did you get that dress?' very strangely. The tone he had was very similar to the one my Doctor (whichever time he's come from) did. I guess I should get used to him saying things like that. He obviously doesn't know how rude he's being. And, in Pyramids of Mars, he was thinking about how he was tired of working for UNIT, and I think he's having a similar problem now, with whatever work he's currently doing. It's meant to be computer programming, but I think it must be something to do with UNIT or something like that. He often says things that sound a lot like 'And it's about time I found something better to do than run around after the Brigadier!'

Thursday, 27 February 2014

I wish I knew what things mean to HIM...

A few days ago, I was talking to the Doctor while he looked over his to-do list (mostly mumbling, 'I didn't do that... Didn't do that either... or that...'), and then he suddenly said, "Why have I written down 'Clear throat'?" I went into a fairly uncontrollable fit of giggles as he murmured to himself how strange it was, then he loudly cleared his throat and said, "Well, that's done. I can mark it off now." It definitely didn't help my giggles, and, falling back onto his bed laughing my head off, I saw him actually marking it done! As I was calming down, he said, "It was in inverted commas... I still don't know what I meant..." It was all very strange. Then yesterday I asked him how staring at a screen all day at work doesn't give him eyestrain. He mumbled "Staring at a screen all day... Staring at a screen all day..." to himself a couple of times and then started singing about it! I can't remember what he sang, but it was very odd and fairly tuneless. To be fair to him, he wasn't singing very loudly, either. He went on for quite a while, and I gave up on getting an answer and got more interested in wondering what he was doing. Finally he stopped, and, after a long pause, absent-mindedly said, "Do I? Oh, yes, I do. Something must be done about that..." Sometimes I wish I could understand what he's thinking. He does so many things that, to me, seems extremely strange, but they make sense to him. I'm sure it would be very interesting to know how, because it might have to do with all kinds of things in his life!

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

"Did I just put my hand in your face?"

The Doctor has a very strange way of always getting his arm (or something else odd) in my face. A couple weeks back, we went out to get a TV remote, and the plan was to go to Homebase (it's in the same shopping area) if we couldn't get the right one at the first shop (I can't remember what is was). We found it at the first shop, though, and on the way back to the car, he suddenly stopped and put his hand out right in my face pointing across the parking lot. It might have bashed me if I hadn't moved when I saw it coming.
"Do we still need to go to Homebase?" he asked - half to himself, I think. He realized we didn't, and then turned to see me quietly leaning away from his hand. (I'm fairly used to him absent-mindedly doing it, and I know it's useless to say, "Hey! Get your big hand out my face, Doctor!" so I just smile quietly to myself at his strangeness.) "Oh!" he said (but not with alarm or anything - just as if he was realizing something he'd forgot). "Did I just put my hand in your face?"
"Yes!" I said, half laughing and half annoyed. "And you almost hit me!"
"Oh. Sorry." He smiled fairly casually.
And the night before, I was talking to him, and he just stuck out his hand and rubbed (or maybe ruffling-ly patted) my head, from the front, so that his arm was in my face. I think my eyes kind of went big and gave a little jump of surprise and confusion. He said it was and 'affectionate pat' or something like that, but I'm not a dog, am I?:) Then I remembered that scene in The Hand of Fear, when the Doctor and Sarah are talking to the manager of the power station, and she's sitting on the table next to him, and as he starts talking, he grabs the top of her head and turns it toward the people their talking to! She looks a little like I must have look when my head was suddenly patted. So, I put the pat down to the fact that he's the Doctor, and he's a bit (a very big bit) unusual.
Then, last night, he had turned our old table upside down to take it apart (we've got a new one), and he asked for my help unscrewing the legs. I unscrewed the last one and then sat back while he did something with the detached legs. I didn't really know what he was doing, though, so I lent forward to look. Then, he picked up one of the legs and moved it over me, right over my head! I hadn't really been looking at the time, so I wasn't sure how close it got, but I had a strong suspicion that it had missed my head by about an inch! I looked up and the Doctor was staring at me.
"I missed your head by a hair's breadth!" he said. This time he did look almost alarmed.
"I know."
"Sorry." Well, he was back to casual. And although I can't find the exact episode right now, I know that there's been at least one time where the Doctor had almost bashed Sarah on the head. One of them may have been when he picks up the stick in Pyramids of Mars, when they're trying to find the deflection barrier. Being around the doctor can be dangerous, but it's also fun!:)

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

"He Talks to Himself Sometimes..."

I had a most interesting conversation with the Doctor the day before yesterday. It started because he had been talking to himself in the kitchen, while I stood next to him, and he was saying a bunch of strange things, including asking himself if he understood. I said I didn't get what he meant, and he said, "I'm just talking to myself, that's all." leaving me thinking, That's what I didn't get. He went on mumbling for a while about how there's nothing wrong with talking to yourself, and then thoughtfully said, "Although, it is unusual to ask yourself if you understand, I suppose." He seemed to change his mind, though, since, when I laughed, he said, "If you're going to talk to yourself, it makes perfect sense to ask yourself if you understand." I didn't really know what to say, so he went off to my brother to ask him if it makes sense. All my brother said was something like "I guess so..." so the Doctor came back to me, saying, "It would be horrible to talk to yourself and then find you didn't understand." He still didn't get it when I laughed. It's very strange the way he talks to himself about things that don't make sense. I guess it falls under the old 'Ark in Space' quote: "He talks to himself sometimes because he's the only one who understands what he's saying." I certainly don't understand!