We looked all around it, and then realized it couldn't possibly have been the building in the show, no matter how much it had changed through the years.
The next location, we skipped, because it was only used to film a jeep driving by, and the actors weren't in the shot.:P

That building way in the background is meant to be the same one that's far in the back of the second black and white one, but it actually isn't because it's got chimneys and taller windows with rounded tops here, but not in the other one. It's quite similar, but it's definitely different when you look closely, especially when you've driven around the other building.
This was the fourth location. We went all along the road it was supposed to be, and it really was so different it couldn't have been the right road. (At first I wondered if the old houses had been knocked down and had new ones built where they were, but most of the houses on the street, are much old than the '70s.
This was meant to be at a certain park, but we couldn't find a tree that looks anything like the big one on the left (or any stumps), or anything similar to the wall or hedge or bank in the background. It really doesn't look like the same park at all.:P
Finally, this was the last one we looked at (sorry for all the pictures:P). It's meant to be the road going past the park, and I think it is. I'm not very sure though. It looks about right.:) On the locations site someone said that they didn't use a real bus stop, and that it was a signpost. I never noticed until I went down the street, but that big pole they're leaning on can't be a little signpost!;) I think it was a lamppost. I did find the lower half of a pole that looked like it buried in the first few feet of the park's bushes. It may not be the right place, because the pavement would have to have been changed a lot for that to make sense.:P In the first picture, though, the Doctor and Sarah are walking along a road with a suddenly curve behind them (at the bottom right corner of the photo), and I think that's the entrance to the park.:)
So, although we found a lot of places that Doctor Who wasn't filmed, we didn't get to take any photos, because the two places that were the right locations weren't accessible.:P We had a fun trip anyway, I guess, and the Doctor made it more exciting!:) (Especially with moments like when he pressed the horn trying to stretch!;))