Tuesday, 15 April 2014

'You Could've Lent Her Hers!'

I really enjoy the way the first Doctor acts like a lovely old grandfather. It always charmed me when I first watched him, and as I got older, I started noticing things about him that I hadn't before, particularly the fact that he's constantly stumbling over his words and things. Some of it is acting, but I really do believe that a lot of it isn't. One episode that I remember very well for it is The Keys of Marinus. He said so many lovely little things in that one! When they first start walking around the planet, someone asks if the sea could be frozen, and he says something like, 'No, not in these temperatures... Besisdes, it's far to warm.' I think 'far too warm' was mean to be Ian's line.:) Later, he's talking about proving Ian's innocence when he's framed for murder, and he says, 'I can't improve at this moment - I can't prove at this moment that Chesterton is innocent.' I really love that too. But the one that always makes me really laugh is when he's talking to Ian and Barbara, after Susan's gone back to the TARDIS to get more shoes after she lost hers, and Ian's barefoot because he gave her his boot because there was glass on the ground, and the Doctor says, 'If you'd been wearing your boots, you could've lent her hers!' What just makes the scene is that Ian and Barbara take his scolding very solemnly, but then suddenly realize what he's said, and smile at each other!
The thing is, my dad did the same thing recently! My brother had a cold, and said he'd got it from my dad, and I can't remember why, but there was something funny about it. I hadn't heard my brother say it, and my dad was laughing, so I asked him what was funny. Still laughing, he said something like, 'Him accusing me of giving him his cold!'

Saturday, 5 April 2014

'If I'm right, and inevitably I am...'

One thing that makes me very sure about who my dad is, is how he always thinks he's right, and clever than everyone else. I've only ever known the Doctor to do it, and my dad's done it for as long as I can remember! A while back, after making a suggestion to my brother (which my brother didn't like), he said something like, 'Every time I say that, it shows how clever I am, and if you listen to me, you might learn to be just as clever.' And he meant it perfectly seriously! It really reminds me of The Ark in Space, when the Doctor says, 'You're improving, Harry! Your mind is beginning to work... Entirely due to my influence, of course. You mustn't take any credit.' And then another time when we disagreed on something, he said, 'I think it does, and that's the end of the matter.' and I couldn't count the times he's said things like, 'When have I ever guessed wrong about anything?' like he did in The Masque of Mandragora, which tends to leave me with Sarah's line, 'Lots of times.' It can be extremely hard to live with sometimes, but you get used to it after a while, and it gets to be funny a lot of the time.:)

By the way, I'm very sorry for not posting in so long. The time just went by so quickly, and I've been very busy and preoccupied with the show I'm doing with my drama group next week. I've got a lead role now, because I was the understudy for one, and it's taking a lot of work.:) I hope you understand.:)