Tuesday, 21 January 2014

More of Life With the Doctor

Last night, the Doctor said something really... "interesting". He was looking over my brother's schoolwork, and he said the the commas were to ambitious, and were apostrophes. He explained that the comma should be on the line, and my brother asked what an apostrophe was. He said, "An apostrophe... is an ambitious comma." Well, I guess it does makes sense, but I really think it's a pretty strange explanation!
Then a couple days ago, I walked into the tumble-dryer door, and started to hop around, holding my knee, and the Doctor said, "Careful!" I've only just realized, but it was the same tone he uses on Sarah in "Pyramids of Mars", when they're looking for the deflection barrier, and he stops to pick up the stick, and Sarah goes on ahead. Anyway, he looked at me kind of questioningly as to how I'd hurt myself, and I pointed at the tumble-dryer door while I mumbled "Ow! Ow! Ow!" Then he realized what I'd done, and said, "Do you mind not doing that, please?" as if I'd done it on purpose, and it was completely unimportant!
I've had a lot of interesting and annoying (or sometimes fun) little incidents with the Doctor lately, including seeing something that made me think very much of the Kraal virus in "The Android Invasion", and I'm sorry I haven't posted. I've been very busy, but I should be able to post more often now.:)

The Kraal virus.;)
Well, actually, it's the lemon curd that jumped onto the floor when I opened the fridge last night, but it really does look similar, and the Doctor was so desperate to clean it up, I think for a moment maybe he thought it was the virus.;) At Christmas we had a soda that looked just like Solon's drugged wine in "The Brain of Morbius", too! I spent the whole evening with my brother saying he was waiting for me to pass out from it, lol! I'm very sorry I didn't think of taking a picture of it, but I will next time!

P.S. I found out something really cool! A whole bunch of "Invasion of the Dinosaurs" was filmed in Kingston-upon-Thames, which is where I used to live! I used to walk down some of the streets they used every day when I was younger, and one or two were only a block or so from my old house! When I found out, I kept squealing "I can't believe it! I've walked down the same streets as Jon Pertwee and Elisabeth Sladen!! And I never knew!" I want to go back there now and look at the roads, and find the exact spots that were used.;)

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